Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Charming rewrite

I’ve had to rewrite my submission this week, after all, isn’t writing mostly rewriting anyway?

This week’s challenge truly has been challenging. I’m glad a hint was given for proper context of the prompt.

“If your post doesn't have an animal in it, you've likely used the wrong definition” they warned.

I could use the obvious animal, a cobra, they get charmed by a very brave handler.

I guess piggy’s are charmed “Sue EEEEE!” called out by the farmer.

Cats, they’re charmed by an electric can opener. Catnip too!

A roach is charmed by RAID! Yay!

And, cheese (or peanut butter) works wonders with a pesky little rodent crawling around the attic, unaware of the danger of his delectable charm.

Wow, come to think of it, cheese works well as a charm for many animals! Even the human type! Brie for me, please and thank you.

But then, just as I thought I’d never come up with a clever story with “Charm” used properly, it hit me!

I am teaching my large dog how to behave in public. I use ice pieces, or dried chicken as treats, they totally charm him.

“What a good dog! Such a good boy! You’re a smarty farty!” I tell him. It works.


  1. Shawn-I got the biggest kick from what you wrote about cats being charmed by an electric can opener! I have two dogs-and if ever a charm worked on them it would be the click of the cupboard door when I open it to get out their dog food. (I think they live for that sound!)

    I loved your take on this prompt-it was cute, with lots of clever too. And cheese is always good-I'll take some Brie as well;)

  2. It's so true, sound does charm! Your comment made me smile. :)

  3. Mmmm...Cheese! Yep, that'll charm this animal! Nice take on the prompt!

  4. I like your take and I am with the group, cheese works as a charm every time.

  5. I've had cats before...the can opener gets their attention EVERY time! Of course, these days most cans of cat food are pull top....Thank you for another kind comment :)

  6. XD Love it! You may have found just the way to charm your readers into giving you a vote. ;)

  7. Cheese charms me (sharp cheddar...mmmm.) Oh- got distracted there...

    This was a fun take on a difficult prompt!
