Monday, July 29, 2013

Band of One

Trifecta Week Eighty-Eight

BAND (verb)

1: to affix a band to or tie up with a band
2: to finish or decorate with a band
3: to gather together : unite <banded themselves together for protection>

100 words

An old friend returned recently. I was hoping not to see him again, but he reappeared. He beckoned and I absent-mindedly responded. Knowing, deep in my heart, that I should have held my head high and looked away, I walked with him anyway. I knew where the relationship would go when I got into his loose and easy vehicle, but we drove.  Down familiar streets.

The upper-cut of reality blew its blow as I sat at the plank, surrounded by others in the band.  

I woke today and wished the friend away. I’ve welcomed, yet again, a band of one.


  1. When Paul McCartney was in his bad joke phase, we wrote a song, Band on the Pun.

    1. Another reason for me to learn more about you. Tried to narrow my fav from your 26, but was stumped, I liked them all. First, I bing'd Man On The Pun, I am a clueless idiot sometimes...then I read the lyrics to the song which I had heard many times, never paying too much attention to the lyrics, they rocked! I checked your stuff out some more and surprisingly found 'PU is for PUN' A great laugh, Thanks!

  2. It takes a lot of inner strength to resist the charms of familiar "friends" and remain your own person. I am guessing that there is more to this story than you are telling. But then, I enjoy not having every detail handed out on a silver platter. Well done, Shawn! Thanks for linking up for this week's challenge.

    1. Thank you for a lovely comment, Tom. You are right about inner strength.

  3. I think many of us have encountered old friends that we befriend again, against our better judgment.

    1. It is best to realize that quickly and move on. Smiles to janna

  4. Sometimes the very people that hold our memories and our past are the ones that need to be let go for our own good.

    it's not easy to let go of the people that are the keepers of our secrets and know so much about us, but there are truly seasons for relationships and the ending of that part of our life doesn't always need to be a bad thing.

    I loved all 100 words. Thank you for linking with us this week.

  5. Thanks Kir, I completely agree that the ending of people fromour our past doesn't have to be a bad thing, in fact, there's many reasons to embrace and learn, teach and grow from them. Thank you for your very thoughtful comment :)

  6. Shawn, I love this line:

    "I’ve welcomed, yet again, a band of one."

    I care a lot more about myself now than I once did-and I don't need to spend time with those who want me to forget that. Luckily, the older I get, the less they come calling:)

    I always look forward to what you have to say:)
