Monday, July 22, 2013

New Orleans

Trifecta: Week Eighty-Seven

This weeks prompt is "Charm'. The third meaning is 3: to control (an animal) typically by charms (as the playing of music) <charm a snake>

I was delighted that this word and meaning was already in use in something that I have already been working on! What an easy week at Trifecta this will be !

My Submission:

The woman snobbishly tugged her male counterpart away from me, as to escape a certain robbing, and continue down the street.  He resisted, reached into his pocket and handed me a big handful of a pile of coins.

 “Hope this helps you out, kid.” the guy told me and coolly strolled down the street with his arm around his girl.

I walked, with my chin held high, back to the crowd and when I arrived, I was a freakin’ hero! Everyone gave me high fives and kudos for making my first “score”. I sat down and counted it, there was more than two dollars! One of the older wino’s sittin’ at the bench with us was so proud! His drunken eyes sparkled when he told me that that was more than he could get in a couple of hours. I have to admit, at the time, I felt pretty damn good about it too!

It didn’t take long before we had a hand-written sign that simply read: “Please Donate to the Beer Fund” It worked like a charm.

Soon, our overflowing fund jar, provided an ongoing supply of cheap malt liquor and plenty of cigarettes and pot to smoke. We were a part of the scenery and passerby’s gawked at us and our crazy hair and ripped up attire. Several tourists snapped pictures. In some sort of fucked up way, I guess, we were earning our own money!

This was the first time in my whole life that I felt like I was a part of something special. At my house, I rarely even felt like a part of the family.


  1. Well-told story! A successful little guy but with a sad background.

  2. We find family in many places, don't we. A good story, Shawn.

  3. Sometimes the family we choose provides more than the family we're given.

  4. Yes, family of whatever kind, is important.

  5. I like your protagonist's voice. What a sad story, but well written. Nice job.

  6. This is oddly inspiring. Great job.

  7. Nice! I really enjoyed this. I often wonder about the backgrounds, origins, and reasoning behind people on the street with those signs.

  8. That's interesting. I wonder if this is the story of some of those people we see. Great job with the story. Unfortunately though, you used the prompt word incorrectly. We're looking for the verb, in its third definition. You still have time to fix it up before community judging! Thanks for linking up.
