Monday, January 27, 2014

Trifextra 101 Logic of a Struggling Good Tipper in the fun! Click here

On to this week's Trifextra challenge.  This week we're asking for 33 of your own words inspired by the following picture.  If you use the picture on your blog, you MUST give proper attribution to the photographer by providing a link to the photo, not just to Trifecta.  Failure to comply will eliminate you from the challenge.

Thomas Leuthard/

I am dedicating this to every server who has ever had a "studier" in their section, but most importantly to K.Galloway. She supported a family of 4 working as a waitress in a college town and voiced some disdain concerning poor tipping on a recent FB post. If I had more words to work with, an explanation would have accompanied, such being, it was two o'clock and the place was dead. The person in this picture passed her exam and is now a professional who tips very, very well. 
I've titled the short: "Logic of a Struggling Good Tipper"

Two deuces: Three hours.

Possible rounds: Twelve.

Average check:  Twenty dollars.

My check: Six dollars.

Average tip: Four Dollars.

Tip calculations: Forty-Eight Dollars.

Money in my pocketbook: Thirteen dollars.

Passing this exam: Crucial.

                                                            Thomas Leuthard / / CC BY



  1. This is an OUTSTANDING take on this picture. Wish I would have thought of it myself.

  2. very good scene and perfect for the photo.

    1. I always enjoy photo prompts. Thanks for your kind words sun.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Roslyn. My dedicate was touched by the piece, which made me happy.

  4. I have nothing but admiration for wait people. Worked in a restaurant, but behind the scenes, terrified. Sweetly dedicated!

    1. Thank you kymm. K. worked hard for the money. So many times the position of the servers are over looked and underappreciated. At $2.13 per hour, the tips are the butter that spreads the bread.

  5. There are some hard calculations to be made sometimes. I loved the rhythm of the piece LM x

  6. You are on a roll, my friend! Another excellent showcase of tight, well-structured writing that packs a punch. Totally appreciate the pov of the wait person toward this girl, studying for hours, eating into one's nightly earnings all the while. The cold calculations of those counting on every nickel and dime ring very true. Brilliant work, once again, Shawn. :)

    1. Your comments always make my day. Thank you Tom!

  7. Fabulous piece of writing Shawn-crisp and very evocative!

    1. I'm so glad you used the word 'evocative' to describe my submission. It is a powerful word and leaves me feeling confident. Thanks Atreyee!

  8. I agree with Tom and Atreyee – this is tight and evocative. Your dedication makes it that much more meaningful. Awesome work!

  9. Wow - what an interesting take on the photo! I love the background behind the piece. It definitely helped set the context.

    1. Thanks so much. I immediately thought of the server when I saw the picture, luckily the muse also thought of the server. ;-)

  10. I love this! For one, great take on the photo. Then, of course, I have worked as a waitress and I was a bartender for almost 5 years. I can't complain about my job as bartender though. I was paid well plus tips, which is definitely not the norm in this area.

    1. Thanks Donetta! Even when the wait staff have to make a living, so does the studier need quiet time to absorb.
      I was also in the restaurant industry, so I know how it feels to have one of these guys camping in your section.
      Thanks for commenting. :)

  11. Thank you Draug. Coming from you, one of my fav's here at Tri, it is truly a compliment!

  12. You hit the nail on the head with this one, Shawn. Great job tackling this one from a different angle. Thanks for linking up.
