Monday, September 16, 2013


My flight was a long one; thirteen hours, but I finally made it. Jet lag was nothing compared to the fruition of dreams I had about this moment, which soon would be at my foot.

Ireland was the land of lore, but I had done my research, oh yes I had! Greenland was the true spot where my dream had landed me. It was here that my pot of gold would be found. Not over some green pasture’s hill, next to the pub on Fancy Street, but stuck, for centuries, in the ice of this non-green land.

I prepared well. Every severe weather article of clothing adorned my warm-blooded body. My feet protected by the very best of boots. I was on a trek. A trek to find the true pot of gold. Misplaced, for my benefit, by James Hall, sent by Christian IV of Denmark, as an Expedition of greed. Mr. Hall, unknowingly found this secret stash and I knowingly found out about it.  

I utilized my pack to full capacity and off I went into the freezing beauty of my dreams. The spot of the coordinates would take three nights journey and four days hike.

All went well until the fourth days’ hike. I was so close, I could taste the metallic sugars. One leg went completely through the ice. I was stuck! I tried, in vain, to loosen myself, only to cause further damage when my second boot broke through the ice and sent my body, waist-high into the freezing grips of the ice. I used my ice pick as a frantic last resort, to pull my body from the glacier.

The cold was such as I cannot put into words in this diary. Whomever finds my gear should know, that the loot is but yards from where I will surely sleep my last sleep.

I can now feel my body shutting down. The frost-bite has been a welcomed companion in this end. Someone else will find my dream rainbow.    


  1. Oh dear. This reminds me of Captain Oates.... It's very sad.

    1. I just Wiki'd Captain Oates. He was a courageous man and I can see how the stories are similar.

      After I read the third definition of rainbow, for some reason, probably because I figured most would use sugary sweet stories to convey the word, this sort of story seemed my style, at this moment in time anyway.

      As usual, with the limitations on word count, the happy ending could not be revealed. The "someone else" needed the pot of gold SO much more than my character. 444 words would have afforded a sweeter ending ;)

      Thanks for your comment!

  2. How terrible to be so close and have it all pulled away at the last moment.
    Great work.

  3. Metallic sugars = awesome. I'm always drawn to these types of stories--man against nature turns into man against himself. Great job with the prompt. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Thanks! I pondered which word to use to describe the taste of a precious metal, glad you liked what I came up with!

  4. The foreshadowing of having it all at your foot... brutal!

  5. Oh no!I was so hoping he would get his pot of gold!

    1. It was a bummer for him, for sure. Someone else finds it though. Thanks for commenting!
